In Memory of Steve Bowman
August 18, 2022
101 Ideas for Great Table Topics
June 2, 2023Conducting Hybrid Contests
We recognize that many of you have started preparing for upcoming speech contests and have questions about conducting contests in the hybrid format.
As a reminder, for the 2022-2023 speech contest cycle, Districts must select a format of either online or hybrid for each level of the contest (i.e. Area, Division, District). Hybrid and online contests are an exception to the Speech Contest Rulebook and require a different level of planning than in-person contests.
To support Districts in conducting successful contests, the newly released Online and Hybrid Best Practices document includes detailed information about preparing technology, coordinating logistics, briefing judges, and conducting contests in these formats.
Whether you are preparing for online or hybrid contests, it is recommended that you thoroughly read this document and share with anyone in your District who is planning for, or supporting, your upcoming contests. A link to this document will also be included in the upcoming Leader Letter to ensure all leaders have access to these best practices.
Keep in mind that both hybrid and online contests require additional resources to ensure your technology is running smoothly. Because hybrid contests combine onsite and online elements, they include additional layers of complexity, and it is recommended that you begin planning well in advance.
We recognize that these formats pose new challenges and hope that this document will help you in adapting contests to your selected format. Over the past few years, as speech contests have evolved to accommodate restrictions and standards around the world, Districts have shown great resilience and a desire to ensure members are supported. We applaud these efforts and are encouraged by your commitment.
As Districts conduct hybrid contests for the first time in Toastmasters history, we look forward to an exciting contest season.
The post Conducting Hybrid Contests appeared first on District 39 Toastmasters.