Frequently Asked Questions

1How many times can I visit as a guest before joining?
As many times as you like.
2What does it cost to be a member?
Currently, the cost to members is $60.00 paid twice a year to Toastmasters International plus Club Dues. Dues are collected every February and September.
3How do I become a member?
You fill out and turn in the membership application with the appropriate dues. There is a Toastmaster International requirement that you be voted in by the Club Members. From there you will be assigned a mentor to guide you.
4What happens after I join?
Congratulation, you are now a Speaking Machine member! One of the strengths of Speaking Machine Toastmaster club is we immediately assign a senior member as your mentor to help you through the unfamiliar jargon, duties, and the culture and expectation during your journey in our club. They will help you prepare for your roles in our meeting, your first speaking assignments and any questions and concerns you may have to ease the feeling of overwhelm of unfamiliarity. Our Vice President of Education will work with you on scheduling your first speech.
5What if I can’t make the meetings every week?
We understand unforeseen life circumstances occurs and not everyone is able to attend every meeting. We always encourage you to make as many meeting as you can. Simply, because the more you attend the quicker you develop your skills and perhaps uncover other latent skills you possess. We will continue to work with you to meet your goals and accommodate your schedule.